Thursday, January 7, 2010


Yup, I failed again. In my last post, I wrote that I was going to the sign up at the gym regardless of the conditions and start my new year with a membership to a thinner body, well, I failed.  

NOW, before anybody can judge, I have excuses! I got off work at about 445pm and it was snowing quiet a bit outside and freezing. I cleaned off my car and drove the 7 miles to my house from work. Now normally, my 7 miles would take me about 10-15 mins, but took me close to an hour to get home due to the snow and road conditions. Once I got home, I realized that Joey would be plowing and I would have to drive all the way to the gym by myself, which was not going to happen. SO instead of getting in my car to drive to the gym and feel a little bit better about myself, I sat on the couch with a bucket of milk chocolate with almonds and ate them until I nearly threw up.... Yup that is what I did all night.

I ate and ate and ate, only chocolate until about 8pm when the Real World came on with Andrew,,,, a boy that many of us Legacy students went to school with and watched.  Considering that neither Joey or I have been to the store in probably 2 weeks, there was pretty much nothing but chocolate for me to eat. So I threw away all my wrappers and went to bed around 930.

From previous postings, some of you know that I have had a hard time sleeping, while right when I was comfortable and tired, right in the stage of sleeping, Joey came home and the dogs,,, the scary puppies that they are thought somebody was breaking it and barked and barked and barked and barked until Joey came into the room... It ruined my attempt to sleep! 

Today- I will be going to the gym after work and I will be signing up and I will not even attempt to go home and eat chocolate first.  I need to feel good again, I need to look good again and with a wedding that is approaching in less than 4 months away, I NEED to get rid of my muffin top and BF!!!! Today is a new day and I will start today!  Wish me luck!

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